Monday 23 August 2010

Not Mark Yet

Mark Wahlberg, playing himself, plays a broken hearted actor wallowing in a midlife crisis. His relationship with singer Brandi (Jessica Alba) is mutually decadent and they bring out the worst in each other as they spiral into drunken stupors with old friend Alf (Tom Waits). Mark decides to clean up and make a fresh break – but his bid for self discovery takes a surprising turn when a mysterious French visitor (Adam Goldberg) teaches him some surprising home truths. With a new outlook at the possibility of new love, in Jess (Gwyenth Paltrow), things are looking up. He’s not Mark yet, but he’s getting there.

'Dylan? Wahlberg? YES!' The Sun
'The freewheeling Mark Wahlberg!' Total Film
'Like I'm Not There, but more obvious.' Empire

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