Friday 16 July 2010

Friend or De-foe?

Throughout a long and illustrious career, Willem Defoe has shouldered the burden of a public image which seems to place him beyond the pale of normality and into the darkened realms of drug-fuelled satanism. Such perceptions had previously appeared to force Defoe further into his self-styled "fortress of solitude", but this all stopped last July when Defoe (and his friend Benny) decided to mount a national publicity campaign to finally destroy the public's downright ugly perception of him. Join Defoe (and his friend Benny) as he slithers across the North-East states in a desperate attempt to wipe the disgusting slate clean. Will the public finally be willing to accept this weird looking monster-man as a friend, and not de-foe?

"I laughed, I cried, I threw up a little" The Daily Star

"As touching as it all was, he still scares the living shit out of me" The Daily Mirror

"Defoe (and his friend Benny) has revealed once and for all, that it's what's inside that counts" The Daily Express

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