Monday 5 July 2010

Smith & Weston

In Frontier City, Billy ‘The Gator’ Smith (Kevin Smith) and Ricky ‘Blue Eyes’ Weston (Adam West) are the oldest gunslingers in town – ridiculed and mocked by young bucks Ray (John Leguizamo) and The Bull (Paul Rudd). When an unexpected bout of lyme disease puts all the young slingers on the side-lines it’s left to Blue Eyes and The Gator to protect the town from evil oil baron Bill Calhoun (Billy Dee Williams). Can the partners put their old rivalry over Screamin’ Jean (Karen Allen) to one side for just one week – and can they show the town that there’s life in these old dogs yet!

“The good, the bad, the ugly – and Billy Dee Williams!” The New Yorker

“It’s anything but quiet on the Western front!” Roger Ebert

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